Me and daddy Audrey
Doof Wen~ hahaha acting gay~
One of the harajuku's~ not mine but she won 1st runner up~
All the harajuku~ guess which is mine~ bluek~ I'll post up pics later.. when I get them..~ still waiting for them~
Left to right
Esther,lene,me,Xin Ru,Fei Fun~
Aaron,Kevin Khoo,Kent,Jen hann ,Song Sing
Happy family XD
Well weeks of practices~ and 3 days of emerge... I MISS ALREADY!! I cried on the last day... hahaha it was SO SAD!!... Hugging everybody...I felt soo sad.! REALLY !
HAIH I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEARS EMERGE~ Me ,Jolene, And Audrey missing each other XD... I hate things ending!! Im definetly joining next years EMERGE and as much as I can join while I'm still here =P~
Can't believe its already almost end of the year... haih =P time passes too fast...TOO FAST I SAY!!!
I can only hope I can continue making more memories here~ while it lasts...
Well other things... I skipped skool camp~ hahaha Dear Zoe took my place XD =P
I feel bad... but my reasons were..cuz my mom's bday...But i guess it didn't matter to her...She took away my 2 months allowance...brilliant huh?... First she cut down my allowance now she takes away everything...watever lah she's always unfair...i can't be bothered nor surprise anymore..=P and oso its her I don't giv a crap~...I've been staying up till very early~ hahaha being so bored... waking up at 3 pm... now soo lost... no reason to wake up~ sob...NEHO~ GONNA WATCH NEW MOON!! WHEEEE ON THE FIRST DAY IT COMES OUT ^@^ WIF LENE~ HAHAHAH~i wasn't thinking sorry.. i oni cud affor 2 tickets and lene was next to me...IT WAS MEANT TO BE! hehehe can't wait can't wait! wheeee~
k la.. i go sleep now...I'LL KILL MYSELF IF IM LATE FOR THE MOVIE! GRRRR!!! gnite =3
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