Well lets see...
After me and Lyn-the girl holding up the muffin- finished german class..We went to one of the offices to wait for our transport...Then someone came in with a muffin,unable to eat it cause of a cough.Lyn volunteered to eat it...I took afew bites too...Then half way eating..Our transport arrived,and we both had to carry our very very heavy school bags...
So on the way to the door from the office...And the muffin in my hand,I tried handing the muffin to Lyn but then she suddenly turned to me,waving her hand trying to grab the muffin~...
And pooof~...She hit the muffin off my hand along with my tounge stud=.=...And the first thing Lyn said was 'Its still safe!Its still safe!!'..I looked around confusingly looking for my stud~
Then I realized Lyn was picking up the savec muffin and started to eat it once again...!!
I was still looking for my stud...At the end I found it...lol...Oh how caring Lyn can be at times~...All for the 'MUFFIN'..=.=
So after that we reached Lyn's house~!!!And guess wat???
Meet West...Or Wesley~!He belongs to 'Someones' super rich girlfriend..But Lyn is taking care af him for the meantime...
Lyn's waiting for both of them to grow so they can have puppies...=.=!!Gosh!!!
Patience man~!!!!She's only a lil winey baby still!!
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