Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby steps

New Fav


Not much to blog about


Holiday now...Can't wait for Wednesday =3


Then the rest of the days..zz..nth planned...


I need a schedual...I keep forgetting what I hav on


Actually I have one...But I just have to remember where I left it=.=...


Can't find it...Bleh


SHARK is soooo annoying!!!!




My body is soo heaty...Lazy to drink water=.=...


I'm getting lazy to do anything...hahaha~ Feel like skating...Release stress


Drawing something...hehehe Update about other things soon..If anything happens~ =P



Thursday, August 20, 2009

Granddmaaa's 80th

Mom bought me cuppiecakes~

Pink jelly!!!

I couldn't resist..When boarding the plane I noticed the lady infront of me had sticker on her Bum that said ' Security Checked'...hehehe
After a 45 minute plane ride...Arrived in my home town
Tumpat,or Kuatan...Or somthin like tht
The place where condoms don't exist =)
We went to a RESTORAN named'69' teeehehehhehehe XD
I love the name XD
At nite was maaa grandma's bday dinner^.^lol...On Sunday 16th..
The big 80~! lol
The photographer made me laugh...He was so old XD...LMAO~...not being bad.. but it was kinda funny...
They had open mike KARAOKE..All old

Lol my aunt forced my dad to sing too..hahahaha He was soo still. XD

The food was really nice~ =P We got the best..wakakaaka..Suckaaa'ss~

This pic makes me LMAO~
I do very love cake =3
My grandma and step grand dad??
My lil cousin
My cousin Jin...Performin a rap for my grandma...HILARIOUS WEI..hahaha

Its supposably pink

I luv the dessert~
At nite...all pooped and tired! Brought me softies ^.^
Dad more pooped than i
Next morning...Woke up..Packed...blablablala ETC.

This is the stick thingy for the car...
So weird wann!! This is half auto and half manual~...The most difficult car to drive!! lol
Nasi degang..or dangang...huhu~ velii niceee~
Bought sour jelly beans...=.= Zoe ate most of it=.=.....

Bought these...too...ate 1...Gave Ma sis the other 3
k la...I tired d...My sis asking me to sleep...WAKAKAKAKA...=.=
nite nitez~~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

100th post~ Happy Birthday SAM~!

Happy boithday my dear Sam~~!!^.^You may not like these pics but..nyehhh ...U used to look like this anyways XD hahaha~ And you look lovely! *Honest*
You're My 100th post~!! ^.^ I was gonna blog about my grandma's bday...But you're more important jk~
All the years of our friendship~

More years to come yeah?!^.^

What can I say about her...More like what can I not say about her^.^
She's da sweetest lil angel evaaa~ hahaha Awesomeee friend~
Loving caring thoughtful~ETCETCETCETC.
You juz gotta love her!!...Or ELSE!!=P
She's sooo cuteeeee and she's ma sexy girl~[bye Jarret~]Fun to be with~I miss all those times when we had sleepovers and played'FAMILY'..Such FUN~^.^
lol Finally sweet sixteen~Awesome number..Hope you have a blast and have a great time~
Miss all our memories,I know there's more to come haha~Love ya to bits sweetie~
Make sure you invite me if you're celebrating ur bday!!!hoho~

What else can I say bout this sexy babe?
haha God Bless babe~ Make this bday a great one~!! you're afterall only 16 once a lifetime~
I'll always have your back sweetie~

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bon Voyage~huhu~

Kayz...Im off to mahhh home town~ hehehehe~
For my grandma's bday
Bak on Monday..Then maybe I'll have something to blog about
If not...Thennnnnnn~
I'll blog about nothing~ ^.^
Oh...Sayonara to Silas and Goergie[A.K.A: Georgia]i dunno how to spell ur name lah..All the best of luck in U.S...HUHU~
gtg~ leavin in 15 minutes~ huhu..Happy boithday Grandmaa~!! Whichever one...I forgot.. =P
gtg now~ BYE~~~~~

Friday, August 14, 2009

TOA old pics..and TOWER BLOXX

The rest of the pics from last time =3...
Kim finally uploaded them
Tiz isn't all..But i too lazy =P
Me,Kim,And Joshuana~ hahaha

We have the best manager in da world!

Wuz sleeping~

We look like some gangsters walking thru the door XD
All black~
On monday..I was on the way to fashion class
And Before going thru the toll..I saw this green skyline car
It was soo noisy! I could feel the engine from where i was sitting...And the noise was like a hungry tummy!...Which made me actually hungry
This is just random..I felt like I needed to share this with you =3
Yesterday!!! which was a Wednesday =3
I played tower bloxx..It was sooo annoying!! piss me off!
lol~Played it over and over and OVER AGAIN...
My highest combo..hahaha~

Soooo bloody closeeee!!! ahhhh!!!
=.=...I knocked down one...STUPID!!!
I hate games that annoys ppl...Its soo ANNOYING!
I need something to do...Something better to do = P
Not much to blog about these days..
Ohhh~ I took a 3 hour nap jus now =3
Just thought ya'll should know too~huhuhu~
My mom is actin' all weird with me=.=!
Like example: I went down stairs and she had to look at my face and say'Why you look so tired? What time you slept last nite?'Wif that police tone in her voice=.=
I answered her ' I took a nap..Slept early last nite k!?..12 ish 1 ish? =3
Or like just now...She tried opening my door...And found that it was locked...And she did tht super annoying door knock..[like very loud and hard and repeatingly fast]
Then I unlocked and opened the door.First thing she says is'Why you lock the door? Why so secretive??' then I'm like'=.=...'
And she comes in my room[soo annoying!] and checks out everything thinking Im doin something wrong[like wat la? smokin pot? pui=.=]And she notices tht my room has wireless internet connection...And I'm thinking'ZOMG=.=...We've been living here for so long and now only you found out ahhh!??' soo annoying..Pointless arguments!
But I have to say I've made peace with my mom better d...She doesn't always step on my tail anymore...Or much..And we don't fight as much as we used to..And we get along better now =3
We can go out together and like..Not fight or argue in public anymore =) yay us~
There's always something between daughters and mothers...Its either They do or they absolutely don't get along
In the end...Its Love...right? XD
That's all for now