Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life's a Piece Of Pie...(These Title's mostly have nothing to do with what i'm bloging abt...)

Bubble Bath..
I love..

My seed...

My seed grew~

lol...I peeled the seeds skin off~ And took out the smiley face~


day 3

Dayto...i mean Today~ which is 1 week later~~hoho~

Look at them roots~!!...If you can see them


And when it rains...

I tend to take pics of food when they are either half eaten or
I made eggs with bacon and toast!! For me and Zoe..(btw reminds me...SRY ZOE I DIDN'T MAKE IT TO YOUR PARTY....BETTER LUCK AT 17!!I PROMISEEEE DIS TIME!!)
And i remember to take a pic before even touching beef stragonoughrwghoiwehf pie I've craving and still don't know how to spell..^^
Chicken pie my mom made~
3rd Times the charm dear mother...
I'm trying..TRYING.. hard to be a good this year resolution..
If not then next years resolution..hehehehe~
Went out wif lyn last week to eat domino...Very funny things happen when I'm with her...
well not exactly things...But they argue about the darnest things~!!
Like a cloud...or Gaint ball of fire...And burning bush!!!...Her brother wanting to burn a bush~!!!=.=...
lol like i said...Funny things happen
Billy bob...

I don't know whats his deal
Believe it or not...Sher lyn's i dunno their family tree lah... u see he skinny enuf prove d...the 'Gan' family all skinny...
lol this was a candid shot...there was another pic wif lyn closing her eyes too...But im too afraid to post it up...She might kill mee....hehehe
OMG...this pic may be 10 years old..but way back when... Ryan Phillipe was smokin hot!!so sexy!!..
I found him by watching a marathon of 'cruel intentions' I havent watched the 3rd one yet...but no.2 has super ugly characters...bleh!!number 1 which Ryan is in was awesome...but sad..He juz had to...Well i won't tell unless u watch it...
Hahaha...I found this in my pictures....really old...almost a year old...
Well thats all for now...byeeee~~~

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sick with flu...

heyyy...this laptop sux.....Im goin nutz...*sneezing*...shit...i hate this..
My brother is asleep on the floor....lolx...Wanted to put a mattress over him..But i feel too weak.
It looks like its gonna rain ..Again...
My cousin is going crazy ,getting all hyper...lolx...
i wanna eat pie...
Beef straugonough or something like tht...Pie from starbucks...yuummmyyy~...
I want a car..
I feel high...
or low...
Maybe low...
Today was 'wear ur joker shirt day'at missed it...
Bloody hell...
Playing cooking games on Wambie...
Its fun..

Saturday, February 7, 2009

boooo~ money money money~! MONEY~!

There's something wrong wif this laptop....well i can't seem to caption the pics...but...all this i my cny thingy ma jiggy...from beginning to end.....wheeee~These are the days...And goodbye imas~ Bye Marielle and happy belated bday...^^.....=.=...wheee~